Friday, April 30, 2010

my experiences during the earthquake

Hello to everyone!!! well, i´m going to tell you about my experience with the terrible earthquake.
Well, at first, i was sleeping when it happened so it was very confuse and shocking for me, everything was moving and falling everywhere around me, this earthquake surprised me in the second floor of my boyfriend's house.
When it finally diminished, my boyfriend and i ran downstairs and took place in a more secure side of the house. When it stopped, i called my mom to know about her, but the signal of the cellphones were too overload, even now i think that i tried to call her at least fifty times, and then the battery of my cellphone ran out.
after that night, we woke up, and checked the house for damage, and it was a complete disaster. i think that the cleaning and the straighten up lasted for the whole morning and it took me three day to got to my home. My mother was a little angry with me, because in my house all the things like marmalades and soya sauce were on the floor, and she had to clean it all alone. But it wasn´t my fault, because the streets were broken down, and no buses were going to the place where i live.
the thing is that the earthquake was terrible, because many peolpe lost their homes, relatives, and even their lives, i really hope that it never happen again, because it was very shocking and sad for all the people, even around the world.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My profession is midwife, the most important thing from being a midwife is helping women, to advice them and support them when they have problems with her babies. And also help them when they are about to have a baby. We also help women to advice them about methods of contraception, or provide them information about the risk of having sex without protection, because they can to be contagios with sexual transmission disease or get pregnant. And we also help them during the pregnancy.
I expect to be a good midwife and as i say before in the other comment i want to specialize me in a natural way, without all the machines and medical system, Like "shantalla massage", this is a baby massage and it is very cute!, and it helps the mothers to connect them with their babies.
Since i was a child i wanted to be a midwife, because i love babies, and this work is very helpful, because i can help to change minds, to prevent the abortion and helping women when they are alone and pregnant.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hello, my name is Eva Kaltenbach, i´m from Chillán, from de 8th region. I´m studing obstetrics, and i love my carreer. I´m alone here because my family lives in Chillán. I´m living with a woman, and she is very nice to me, she helps me everytime when i needed.
I love the nature and my favorite colour is green. I like reading books, they makes me feel like in another world. I like watching movies, but i hate horror films, they scare me. My hobbies are practising many sports, like athletism and swimming. My favorite styles of musics are rock, pop, folk, african music, and music with a lot of instruments.
With this blog i expect to know each of you, and to learn more about you. I want to learn to write in a right way. When i finish my carreer i want specialice me in a nature area like "digipuntura" or "shantalla massage", because it is a way to help people without medicine. But i have to have a degree first.