Friday, May 28, 2010

Do you know something about nursing?

Hello to everybody!.
This time i want to talk you about my favorite subject, well at firts, i thing that i like all my subjects, because all of them are really important.
I think that i like "Fundamentos de enfermería", because all the teachers are obstetrics, and they teach you things like how to take the pressure, or the temperature. We have theoritical classes and also we have hours to practice what we had learnt.
I remmember that one of the first classes of this subject we had to take the pressure, and i was really nervous and excited, because i never took before the pressure, and i never had heard before the sound of the heart with an stethoscope and it was really beautiful and cool. We learnt to take the sistolic and diastolic pressure. It is very interesting and also important to know about the pressure because you can know if a person has a high or al low pressure, the reasons and the desease that are related with this problem.
In addition to this the teacher can teach you about the requirements and the rules of the semiology, this is the interview or the meeting between the professional of health and the pacient.
It is really important to know about this little details, because if you talk to a patcient with a lot of technical terms he or she will not understand you.
Well, i hope that you like the little description of my favorite subject. Have a nice weekend, and don´t forget to study!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Art on webpages!

Well, today, i´m going to talk you about the webpage that i commonly visited and the reason that i love this page. Firstly i wanna say that i love the photographs, and the way that people can catch the nature or the animals, or just taking pictures of places that are no kown by anybody.
Another reason, is that i love when people can make art just with their hands, it is so beautiful! because you can thing that you are usefull for a lot of things, but everyone is good in something, everyone have a gift. So the only thing that you have to do is to find it.
In this webpage you can look for pictures of famous photographers, or just from people that like taking pictures like a hobby. Also you can find pictures that are photoshoped. I think that i visit this page once a week, because of the time.
If i had time and good camera, i would take pictures and loud them on this page, but i don´t have any of them and this is one of the reasons why a want to work, in the summer, because the last summer, i worked very hard to save mony to buing me a personal computer and i maded!, so this summer, i want to save mony for my camera =).
Well the thing is that i recommend this webpage for all the people that like art and photography!
Here is the link:
I hope you like it!
