Friday, August 20, 2010

Things that I like to do

Hello! How are you?, well today I´m going to talk you about things that I love to do.
Firstly I want to say that i love reading, and yesterday I finished a book called "Las vírgenes del paraíso" from Barbara Wood, its a really good book and it talks about the life from a
Egyptian woman and the mistreatment that she suffered in that country. The reason that I like this book is because it happens in the real life, women are treated like a dog, they have to serve men, and in addition to this they are discriminated with no rights. For example in the book the author talks about a woman that were killed from her husband because she did not well the food. And if you think a little bit about it, it happens, maybe not for that reason but there are lot of homicide and nobody do something for change the mind of that guy or arrest him.
I would recommend you to read it, its a good book and its a good form to know a little bit more about other cultures.
The other think that I like to do is watching alternative movies like "cinema art", the most of them have really good topics, but there are a lot of people that don´t like them because they don´t understand them, maybe that kind of movies are only for people that like interpret and look for and answer.
Well, I hope that you like what I wrote, and have a really nice week.
See you soon.