Friday, June 11, 2010

OMG! Do you know something about my course?

Hello to everyone? How are you?, i hope that fine!, well firstly i wanted to say that i´m crazy for a long weekend, ajajaja.
Today its the time to talk you about my education, little things about my course. At first you must have vocation, because in my case (midwife), you have to love your course. There are a lot of people that get in a course and really don´t know about it.
Secondly, in my course people teach you to be a good professional of health and to be a person that supports and helps women and their child in every case and also during the pregnancy.
In my case, I must teach women and their partners to have a healty sexual life, and also help them to take care about their babies. In addition to this I help girls giving them information about birth control methods and also i provide them information about having sex without protection.
Thirldy, we can give talks in schools and universities about the sexual transmission diseases.
Another thing, we try to support women when they are pregnant and alone.

So, what do you think? Are the midwifes necessary in your life?
Well, in my opinion I think that the answer is yes, because we can help to the delivery of the baby and prevent the abortion.
I think that it is important to know a little about everything and thats the reason why i show you a little bit of my course.
Have a wonderful weekend!

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