Monday, November 15, 2010

My professional practice

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope that fine. Well today I’m going to talk about the beginning of my professional practice. At first, I’m going to explain a little bit of this practice, we need to have a lot of basic skills related with the clinical attention, like knowing about how to take the blood pressure, temperature, pulse and things like that. Another important thing is to know about the semiology, the semiology is the interview with the patient, and it’s the time that you use to make questions to the patient and also hear what they have to say and the reasons why she came to visit you. This interview is very important, because with the information that you recollect, you can know or have an idea about what this patient have. Also it is very important to do and physical exam to prove the information that the patient gave you.

The first thing that the university told us that we need to be sensitive and helpful with the patient, because it is a person with feelings and it deserves a good treatment. Secondly we need to learn to hear without making any judgment, because we are only there to solve their problem, not to tell them how bad they do something. Thirdly, when we don´t know something, we need to ask and learn about our mistakes. And obviously if there is a problem that we cannot solve, we need to send this patient to another area, like to the doctor.

Well, my practice begins tomorrow, and I’m really nervous. My instructor will be there for all of us, to answer our questions and doubts. We are going to work with women who gave birth and with their babies.

I think that it will be a nice experience, because it will be our first contact with our future. Hope that you like what I wrote. Have a nice day.

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