Friday, October 22, 2010

"There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided bye the age of three"

Hello everyone! How are you?, Well today I´m going to talk about a text called "Brain and Learning". And whe had to choose one of the articles, I choose this one: "There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided bye the age of three". This article talks about the importance of learning when kids are three years old. It says that some people believe that the critical learning stages begin between the birth and the age of three. Neurons are the basic structure of the brain and there are a lot of them. Each one can be connected with a lot of others, this process is called synapses. This connections aloud to develop a lot of skills, like learning, speaking and swimming. While you learn occur new synapses. In babies the amount of synapses increases a lot with a peak at ten months, this process is called synaptogenesis, and after this peak, the synapses decline, this process is called pruning.
For a long time, people used to believe that neurons can´t regenerate. But 20 years later the science discovers that new neurons appear at any point in a person´s life. One hypothesis was that young children must be stimulated in their first period of life in order to increase their learning capacities. Specialists say that the most important thing is the environment and the mother´s education.
So this reasons show us that there is no kid that not have the ability of learn and i´m totally agree with this ideas, it only depends of the evironment of she or he had lived. The parents support is very important and it doesn´t matter if your kid play with earth or listen to "smart" music, so leave this belief and let him be free and happy.
Well hope that you like my summary. Have a nice weekend.

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