Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning English at the university

Hello! How are you? Well today I’m going to talk about my experience learning at the university. At first I wanted to say that at school, I always where in the advanced level. My English professor teach us the Britain way of English, the best of all I think, we always had listening and writing test, and also comprehension test. I think that at school I learnt a lot of English, but also I learnt this language by myself, watching movies, listen to music and talking with people.

I think that when you are in the university, you need to know this language, because you are going to use it all the time, in case that you travel to another country, or when you patient don’t speak Spanish, or also when your make your specialisation.

When you are at the university, you are not going to learn English, you are going to increase your skills about this language, and learn to talk with somebody, with not scary.

Maybe as an advice, the students should talk more, doing activities in peers, or in group to learn the order and pronunciation of the words. And try harder, to learn to speak fluently. If someone is afraid because he or she don’t know the pronunciation of a word, the teacher should every time correct him or her. This is a positive thing from this term, our teacher always correct us. I think that English is easy, the only thing that you need is to like this language and to talk a lot!

I love English but I think that this course should be optional, or for people that don’t speak any word, because we can use this time for learn or for free time.

Well, hope that each of you has a very nice time and a beautiful weekend! Don’t forget to study. See you soon.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My professional practice

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope that fine. Well today I’m going to talk about the beginning of my professional practice. At first, I’m going to explain a little bit of this practice, we need to have a lot of basic skills related with the clinical attention, like knowing about how to take the blood pressure, temperature, pulse and things like that. Another important thing is to know about the semiology, the semiology is the interview with the patient, and it’s the time that you use to make questions to the patient and also hear what they have to say and the reasons why she came to visit you. This interview is very important, because with the information that you recollect, you can know or have an idea about what this patient have. Also it is very important to do and physical exam to prove the information that the patient gave you.

The first thing that the university told us that we need to be sensitive and helpful with the patient, because it is a person with feelings and it deserves a good treatment. Secondly we need to learn to hear without making any judgment, because we are only there to solve their problem, not to tell them how bad they do something. Thirdly, when we don´t know something, we need to ask and learn about our mistakes. And obviously if there is a problem that we cannot solve, we need to send this patient to another area, like to the doctor.

Well, my practice begins tomorrow, and I’m really nervous. My instructor will be there for all of us, to answer our questions and doubts. We are going to work with women who gave birth and with their babies.

I think that it will be a nice experience, because it will be our first contact with our future. Hope that you like what I wrote. Have a nice day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My investment

Hello everybody! how are you? Hope that fine, today its time to talk about something interesting. Well i´m going to talk about my investment. The investment is a ceremony which gives students a uniform as a symbol of the beginning of medical practices. This ceremony was at friday night. Each student received a stethoscope pine as a symbol of our future profession. The stethoscope pine is an instrument that you can use to hear the heart beating of babies during the pregnancy, and also you can use them for hear the beat of a person´s heart. Our director gave us a speech about the importance of our profession and about the university. Some classmates prepared a dance with a beautiful song called "Alegría", the orquesta was there too, they sang "somewhere over the rainbow" and other songs, they sang very well. We were very nervous, but everything turned out well. We had to invite four persons, from family, friends, boy and girlfriends. The thing is that my family lives in Chillán, far away from Santiago, so they could not come. But I have the luck that i have my boyfriend here. He accompanied me all the time, he was like my little family and it was pretty nice. After the ceremony, all the families gathered to eat and talk about how beautiful it had been all. It was a pretty good time to share with my new friends, in this new city, having new experiences every day, just for growing up and become a mature person.
I think that it was a great time to join with my boyfriend, its really good to know that you always have the support of someone who loves you.
Well, hope that each of you have a pretty week. Have some fun and discover new things, and the most important thing peace and love. See you next time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stress is freaking me out!

Hello everyone!, you know what? Today I´m going to talk about "Dealing with the stress at the university", well at first I want to tell you that the university of Chile puts too much pressure on their students, in fact it is very difficult to stay at this university because there are a lot of competition. We have to study a lot, and sometimes there is no time for enjoy with friends or hanging out. In my case, my parents live in another city, and the problem is that I always need to study for tests, so i can´t go to visit them, because I spend too much time traveling.
I think that dealing with the stress is not difficult, well maybe a little bit, but the most important thing is that you need to have faith in you. People need to have selfsteem, because if you don´t trust yourself you are lost, in the university are a lot of cases of depression and the reason is because people don´t organize their time, other reason is because of the pressure of marks and the fear of failure.
So, at first, I would recommend you to love youself, because all the people deserves it and so you, and please, don´t think that you are stupid, it is impossible, humans were created to perfection.
Secondly, you can choose to made a plan of the week and organize your time in studying hours and in free time. The important thing is that in your free time you have to do things not related with the university, like doing sport, listen to music, traveling, watching a movie or listen to music.
Well I hope that you follow my advices, because university life should be the most important and beautiful part of your life.
Have a nice weekend, see you soon.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided bye the age of three"

Hello everyone! How are you?, Well today I´m going to talk about a text called "Brain and Learning". And whe had to choose one of the articles, I choose this one: "There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided bye the age of three". This article talks about the importance of learning when kids are three years old. It says that some people believe that the critical learning stages begin between the birth and the age of three. Neurons are the basic structure of the brain and there are a lot of them. Each one can be connected with a lot of others, this process is called synapses. This connections aloud to develop a lot of skills, like learning, speaking and swimming. While you learn occur new synapses. In babies the amount of synapses increases a lot with a peak at ten months, this process is called synaptogenesis, and after this peak, the synapses decline, this process is called pruning.
For a long time, people used to believe that neurons can´t regenerate. But 20 years later the science discovers that new neurons appear at any point in a person´s life. One hypothesis was that young children must be stimulated in their first period of life in order to increase their learning capacities. Specialists say that the most important thing is the environment and the mother´s education.
So this reasons show us that there is no kid that not have the ability of learn and i´m totally agree with this ideas, it only depends of the evironment of she or he had lived. The parents support is very important and it doesn´t matter if your kid play with earth or listen to "smart" music, so leave this belief and let him be free and happy.
Well hope that you like my summary. Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy life style, Is it possible? How?

Hello everyone!, how are you?, you know what? Today i´m going to talk you about a healthy life. There are lots people in this world thinking in work, in life, in their childs, living their lifes. Its easy to leave all in God hands, your heart, your body and also your beautiful life. So much people don´t take care about their bodies, so much people hate their bodies, and the funny thing its that they do nothing for fix it. Bad eating habits with no sport, using cars and smoking like a fireplace, very good.
Sometimes I think that people live in a very depressive life, everything is bad, nothing works enough for them. And oh, the money, what a important thing, people can live without money, only consumerism.
Maybe if you think a little bit more about it, you will see that having a healthy life style its not a big deal. First you must to begin to love yourself, because without love nothing works. Secondly, think about your favourite sport, or what do you really like to do, i don´t know, running, swimming, walking, climbing, also laugh, it is so important to laugh, to smile to be happy. Then, if you smoke, you have to think, mmm is this thing really good for me? Does it make you happy? And the most important thing, Do you really like the taste of the cigarette?. Maybe you should leave it, there are other things that can make you relax.
Other important thing, think about your eating habits!, Every day you need vitamins, minerals, proteins and a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits. Leave the fast food, its not good for your heart, and also not good for your self-esteem, you are only hurting your body and your brain.
In addition to this LIVE YOUR LIFE!, be free!, with no stress, if you are happy, your body is happy, there are connected!
Well, I hope that each of you have a nice week, and take care about your health.
See you soon. Good bye.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams

Hello! How are you?, well today I´m going to talk you about my childhood recollections. At first I want to say that when I was a child my family lived in a farm, with a lot of animals, trees and a big lake, everything was green and beautiful. My dad work as a farmer, he made his own wine, and we had a bid plantation of raspberries and onion. My mom worked at house, she made her own bread, marmalade and cheese. We had a lot of cats and dogs, also rabbits and birds. Me and my brother used to play every day with the animals, climbing trees, swimming in the lake and also enjoying our freedom. We used to believe that we were the kings of the farm and we also play cooking with earth. Every night my mother read us stories in German about princesses and castles. I remember those days when we used to cry when we had to return to school. I think that the best recollections where from that time, with the nature, the animals and the freedom. I believe and hope that one day my kids will have the same education and life like me, because the kids of today only play at the computer or watch TV, they have no imagination.
Well I hope that you liked to read about little pieces of my life, and thats it, have a nice week and don´t forget to study or work.